[Tuesday, March 9, 2010]
So…it’s been a rough season for ya boi lately over the past few weeks (see last blog). Have not been feeling like myself, have not been acting like myself. Actually, scratch that, I was returning to the mindset that got me ousted from Yale. I was beginning to push away any and every one, even those that were bearers of friendly advice. Rightfully so, the more I fed into my sour mood, the more sour I became. It dominated my thoughts, eventually dominating my intentions and actions.
I began to feel like a robot, going to class & work out of routine and lacking any inner motivation while doing so. I was mentally paralyzed.
Then came church on this past Sunday; the jolt of energy that I needed. Bishop Verrett went all over the Bible, focusing on man fulfilling his purpose in life, to rule and have dominion on earth. More importantly, he emphasized that the key started with having a mindset of dominion. He also talked about how what we think and how we think draw to us what we get. Timely message. Truth be told, I’ve had a few friends allude to the same principle with me in recent days, but it really sunk in that day.
People always talk about watching what you say; thinking before you speak. They could not be any more right about it. I have yet to reach the mountaintop, but I have reason to believe I am turning the corner. At least, that’s what I’m thinking…

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