As the season changes and things get warmer outside, for some reason, I'm chilly. Frigid, even.
I've mentally retreated from the fresh sunshine and the budding greenery all around me. It's all beautiful, but the sight of it has not uplifted me. Not yet, at least.
Not myself right now. I'm cold.
My body is here. Mind? Displaced. In the Arctic desert. Strolling. Meandering.
I know my way back to safety. Just have to look to the light.
I have wandered off too far, however. The congealed ground beneath me has begun to part.
Who am I kidding...I'm the only one out here. Sound advice rejected. Former friends have neglected.
So what do I do now?
Out here on thin ice. Hoping not to fall into the void caused from struggles within.
What if I fall? Walk on water? Keep swimming?
Can't sink. I just can't.
I need instinct to kick in. To save me. To rescue me.
That's what I get for wandering on thin ice. I thought the silence would be refreshing, but...
I'm lonely, instead.
Man was not meant to be alone. Where is my neighbor?